Both as symbols and in reality, the Animals, affect all domains of human culture: as companions, as sacrificial victims, as food, as objects of research, as political codes. In each instance, the question of what is proper to man is defined by the efforts to distinguish his being from that of the animal, as though this distinction guaranteed human dignity and self-determination. In the Installation «Bestiarium +» we try to establish bridges between the two beings.
© Irene Pascual & Johnny Amore
In a moment were the failure of the human appears in many situations, we see in the animal the opportunity to make things better. We give the animals a space to show their power, their vision and sovereignty. The installation consists of diverse techniques such as painting, photography, collage and objects, coming together to create a whole universe and not to be focus on single works.
Source: Irene Pascual
Exhibition: «Bestiarium +»
Place: Färberei
City: Munich
Country: Germany
Date: 09.-19.02.2012
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