«Supertemporal. International Videoart Today. 30 selected works from Today LOOP / Screen from Barcelona» is a particular approach towards the panorama of international video art from the LOOP/Screen from Barcelona platform. It aims to offer a sample of the most innovative work being done in the field of video art today together with a broad -yet singular- overview of the most representative areas of activity in video.
Curated by Paul Young + Estelle af Malmborg, the works have been selected from those presented by a variety of contemporary art galleries from around the world at the ninth annual LOOP Fair and SCREEN Festival (2003-2011). Amongst them are included pieces by Marina Abramovic, Eve Sussman & the Rufus Corporation, Julian Rosefeldt, Bestué & Vives, Antoni Muntadas, Clemens Krauss, Wood & Harrison, Nira Pereg, Marcus Schinwald, Richard T. Walker, Antoine Roegiers, Isabel Rocamora, Devis Venturelli, Fabien Giraud, Mehdi Meddaci, Kelly Richardson, Mariana Vassileva, Marco Brambilla, Guy Ben-Ner and Juliao Sarmento.
Site: Screem from Barcelona
Event: Supertemporal. International Videoart Today 30 selected works from LOOP/Screen from Barcelona
Place: Kulturhuset
City: Stockholm
Country: Sweden
Date: del 10 de marzo al 20 de mayo del 2012
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