Damiá Diaz returns to Belgium with an art exhibition at the Erasmus House in Brussels

The space between words is an exhibition by Damià Diaz, who lives and works in Valencia. Three monumental sculptures are cast adrift in the Renaissance room, seemingly having lost their minds, as they float along trying to find reason. Alongside Naufragio, specially created for this exhibition, the artist will present Transversal, an illuminated piece, brimming with silence, amidst the portraits of Erasmus.

"Damià Diaz""Xtrart""Belgicum"© Damiá Diaz

In the Chamber of Rhetoric, a forest man – half-tree, half-forest – welcomes the visitors in this in-between space, forcing them to explore the outer reaches of their subjectivity, and compelling them into silence. In this tide pool, jostled by an inner tempest, the visitors make their semi-conscious way. Freed from the weightiness of rationale, Damià Diaz’s sculptures draw us into an inner ballet in which images reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch, the presence of the gardens just outside, reposition our emotional waterline.

Site: Erasmus House

Title: El espacio entre las palabras
Place:  Maison D’Erasme de Rotterdam
City: Bruselas
Country: Belgium
Date: 19 / 09 – 25 / 11 / 2012


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