Cinesonika open call

This third annual festival will showcase international works of film and video with fascinating soundtracks, idiosyncratic sound design, eclectic scoring and innovative approaches to the sound-image relationship. We are open to works in any format, including narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, and uncategorizable styles, with no minimum or maximum run time. We are also open to proposals for installation or live performance. Send these via email in whatever format best communicates your idea at the contact info below.



For the film and video festival, all DVD submissions should be formatted as follows:

NTSC format for application purposes. If your work is accepted, we will contact you requesting a PAL DVD for the festival and conference in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland (Feb ’13).

We accept Bluray for HD works.

Please LABEL each DVD clearly with: Your Name, Title, Run Time, Country of Origin, Year Produced, your email address

No Watermarks or other copyright graphics over the video content.

No MENUS on your DVD please! Your DVD should feature ONLY the work you are submitting, and it should be set to AUTO-PLAY on INSERT.

No LOOPING DVDs please.

Each video submission will require its own submission form and entry fee.

Fill out the online submission form below and make the entry fee via the online Paypal. You will receive a confirmation email from the festival organizers when your submission fees and electronic form have both been received.

If your work is accepted, we will ask you for a short video excerpt for online preview to be sent by email link.

Deadline: November 15, 2012.

More information:


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