Seminar in London: «How to sell your work in Europe»

The english organization X.TRAX in partnership with PANeK and the Royal Exchange Theatre (Manchester) present a new seminar related to street art named «How to sell your work in Europe».


Photograpy courtesy by Catalan arts

The seminars were designed to support and encourage UK street artists to break in to the European market. Led by two experts in the sector, Mike Ribalta (Head of International Relations at FiraTàrrega – Catalonia, Spain) and Yohann Floch (Head of International Relations at HorsLesMurs – France) with X.TRAX founder and director Maggie Clarke , these sessions provided valuable insights into the European outdoor market and the context of festivals in Europe. These sessions also provided advice on how to get noticed, how to build a relationship with promoters and what are the best networking events to attend in Europe.

City: London
Dates: 27 November
To confirm attendance:
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