No Longer Empty is proud to announce our 14th exhibition in Long Island City, Queens. For the first time in twenty five years, the iconic Bank of Manhattan Building will open its doors, vaults and clock tower to host an immersive and ambitious site-specific exhibition.
Photograph courtesy by No Longer Empty
The New York organisation No Longer Empty will make a new temporary exhibition in Queens call How Much Do I Owe You? This title implies a personal and conversational exploration into the new iterations of currency, value and exchange at this time of financial flux, growing debt and job insecurity. From the virtualization of money to the rise of non-monetary barter networks, recent years have seen a re-thinking of forms and systems of exchange, and thus notions of value, commodity, and debt that surround them. Inspired by the Bank building and the surrounding neighborhood, 26 artists from 15 countries confront these issues and how they are negotiated in the workforce, housing market, and in the every day. The public will experience a variety of media, from sound installations, projections, and film to participatory projects, immersive installations and large scale sculptures.
Spain will be represented with the Spanish artist Leonidas Martín Saura, a video, New Technologies and Contemporary Art Professor at the College of Fine Arts in Barcelona, where he also co-directs the Media Lab, a space for the production and multimedia art thinking. As a filmmaker he combines his professional work (creating ads and publish company reports, movie trailers …) with an independent production based mainly on making documentaries and art films, videos and short clips always with social and political content. As a multimedia artist their creative output in a hybrid field which mixes social processes, new technologies and aesthetics.
There will be different artist representing 15 countries: Artefacting, Ana Prvacki, Alberto Borea, Caroline Woolard, Chris Jordan, Colleen Ford, Erika Harrsch, Ghost of a Dream, Guerra de la Paz, Jennifer Dalton, Hayoon-Jay Lee, Keiko Miyamori, Leonidas Martin, Marco Antonio Castro, Nicky Enright, F.R.E.E. (Fundred Reserve Even Exchange) LIC Branch Bank of America-Draw Deposit Display Station, Orit Ben-Shitrit, Pablo Helguera, Paulette Phillips, Sal Randolph, Sean Slemon, Shaun Leonardo, Susan Hamburger, Theodoros Stamatogiannis, Susanne Bosch, Sol Aramendi, Tom Sanford. All of them represents different countries such us America, Argentina, Canada, Cuba, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Peru, Serbia, Spain and Equador.
Event: Temporary exhibition
Title: How Much Do I Owe You?
Organizes: No Longer empty
Curated by: Manon Slome
Place: Bank of Manhattan Building
City: New York (Long Island, Queens district)
Country: E.E.U.U
Dates: From December 12, to March 13 2013
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