Spoffin- Street Arts Festival Amersfoort

Spoffin, the international festival for street and site specific theatre in Amersfoort, The Netherlands, has just opened a public call to performers across Europe to apply for a residency during the month of August 2013. The residency consists of an intensive working period in a theatre studio in the city and in the public space of Amersfoort. Spoffin offers with this residency a young theatre company the opportunity for the assembly of a new production, which also will premiere during the Spoffin festival (August 22-25, 2013).


Spotiff 2012 had more than 32,000 visitors, over 150 performances of 43 professional artists with 4 world premières and 15 Dutch premières.

Application deadline: January 31, 2013

Location: Amersfoort, The Netherlands

For more information: www.spoffin.eu


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