Manifesto, the festival launches its calls for applications for its next edition which will take place from September 07 to September 28, 2013. Founded in 2002 by a group of photographers from Toulouse, after 10 years of existence the festival ManifestO has established itself as a major event photography in France.
Imagen cortesía de Camille Hervouet et Grégory Valton. ManifestO Festival 2012
The festival is a success both with the public (25,000 visitors this year again) and with the photographers. This legitimacy strengthens the ambitions of the organizers for years to come.
ManifestO invites all photographers wishing to exhibit their work to send a portfolio of their project. There is no defined theme. Each proposition will be judged in terms of its quality and consistency. The festival is open to all photographers without any condition of age, nationality or status (professional or amateur). Collective projects are accepted.
Selected candidates will be notified by e-mail only around mid May. The list of selected photographers will be published in the newsletter of the Festival and on the Facebook account of the Festival ManifestO. The selected photographers will be exhibited in Toulouse from September 07 to September 28, 2013.
Event: FESTIVAL MANIFESTO The Image festival of Toulouse
Call for: Applications FESTIVAL MANIFESTO The Image festival of Toulouse
Exhibition Place: Toulouse, France
Exhibition date: from September 07 to September 28, 2013
Application deadline: April 01, 2013
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