Arts Collaboratory offers long term support for independent visual arts organisations focusing on collaborative arts practices and social innovation.
This call for proposals invites independent visual arts organisations from Africa, Asia and Latin-America that are active in the promotion of artistic quality, collaborative arts practices and social innovation, to propose a programme for support. Organisations that are selected will receive financial support towards their organisation and programme and will participate in the Arts Collaboratory knowledge and exchange platform. Collective applications (by more than one organisation) are welcomed.
Amount of funding
The maximum amount available for this call per organisation is €125.000 for a maximum period of 28 months. You can also apply in a coalition of organisations in which case higher amounts will be considered.
The objectives of Arts Collaboratory
· The improvement of the quality of artistic expression and collaborative art practices through independent visual arts organisations;
· The promotion of the development of social innovation and of new forms of engagement with publics through independent visual arts organisations
Call: Arts Collaboratory – Call for independent visual arts organisations focusing on collaborative arts practices and social innovation
By: Arts Collaboratory in colaboration with Hivos and DOEN
Endowment: € 125,000
DEADLINE for submission of concept notes: April 15th, 2013
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