Residence for artists in The Venice Printmaking Studio, Italy

The Venice Printmaking Studio is a non-profit international studio devoted to large-format printmaking and artist’s books. We encourage the exploration of traditional as well as experimental printmaking practices and ideas. Through our residency programs, workshops, exhibitions, community projects and printmaking ventures we are a vibrant, contemporary space in the city of Venice.

venice printmaking studi residencia artistica©The Venice Printmaking Studio

To be considered for a residency, please submit the following to
·    12 jpeg images
·    An image list including title, medium, dimensions, year
·    A brief project proposal
·    Curriculum Vitae

A panel will review the materials and we will contact the artist with a decision within two weeks of receipt. There are no deadlines for applications and we accept residencies year-round, but we suggest that you apply at least 4 to 6 months prior to the period you wish to attend. Before applying, please contact us to discuss residency fees.

Call: Residence for artists in The Venice Printmaking Studio, Italy
By: The Venice Printmaking Studio
Endowment: Check website
Deadline: open
More information:


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