Open call Frida awards 2013, researches or innovation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean

May apply for the 2013 FRIDA Award+ all initiatives, researches or innovation projects in the field of ICTs for the region of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) that have made a significant contribution to the use of the Internet for the region’s social, economic and cultural development since 2008 .
fridaconvocatoria premios 2013

In addition to the above, those applying for an Award may also submit a concrete proposal for extending their project. The “Start up” provide small funds (up to USD 6000) to finance specific new actions – specific activities that can further the original project or contribute to its replication. These funds are not intended to be used to develop new projects, but instead to further or replicate the original project.

Topics under which projects/initiatives may be submitted:
Four prizes will be awarded among the nominated projects and initiatives, one in each of the following four areas:

  • Access – Includes initiatives that have allowed expanding fixed and mobile Internet access through new technical and organizational formats, as well as improving the quality of access based on various aspects of accessibility, disability and linguistic diversity.
  • Freedoms – Includes initiatives related to freedom of expression, freedom of association, privacy, security, consumer rights, and new forms of intellectual property in the digital environment, with emphasis on «Citizenship and Rights» and «Identity, Privacy and Freedoms,» as well as a wide variety of topics relating to the Internet and Human Rights.
  • Development – Includes initiatives that incorporate the Internet in order to directly contribute to improve the social, economic, cultural and environmental indicators in areas such as education, health, finance, and sustainability.
  • Innovation – Includes initiatives that have introduced technical innovations in any aspect relating to Internet use and development, either at physical or at conceptual level. Among others, this includes innovation in terms of materials, devices, software and content standards, as well as aspects relating to the development of open standards.

Finally, a fifth Award will be presented to the most creative project which has, in turn, deployed the best 2.0 campaign (+voted+creative project).

The five selected projects will receive a USD 3000 cash prize (three thousand US dollars), as well as travel and accommodation for one representative of each award-winning project to attend the awards ceremony at the Pre-IGF 2013 and the IGF 2013 (date and location to be confirmed).

Call: Open call for Frida awards 2013 for researches or innovation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
By: Frida (The Regional Fund for Digital Innovation)
Deadline: May 31th, 2013
Endowment: USD 3000 cash prize + travel and accommodation
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