La Fundación Kresge en colaboración con el College for Creative Studies ofrece 25.000 dólares en concepto de premios y becas a 9 artistas literarios y a 9 artistas visuales que vivan y trabajen en el estado de Detroit. La convocatoria está dirigida a artistas emergentes o consagrados que se seleccionarán mediante un proceso abierto por parte de un jurado independiente constituido por artistas y profesionales de las artes locales y nacionales.
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes se abre el 1 de diciembre y finaliza el 22 de enero de 2015. Se llevarán a cabo dos sesiones informativas para los artistas interesados en solicitar estas becas de ayuda y apoyo a su formación dentro de las artes literarias y plásticas.
Para conseguir estas becas se tendrá en cuenta la visión creativa y el compromiso con la disciplina artística elegida. La Fundación ha elaborado una guía con información adicional y los pasos a seguir para optar a estas becas que ya está disponible en su página web.
Las becas forman parte de un programa para la promoción de los barrios de Detroit mediante el apoyo de las artes y la cultura.
Fuente: The Kresge Foundation
Convocatoria: Becas Kresge Artist
Convoca: The Kresge Foundation en colaboración con College for Creative Studies
Dotación: 25.000 dólares en premios
Fecha límite: 22 enero de 2015
Más información:
Detroit-area literary and visual artists are invited to apply for Kresge Artist Fellowships.
The online application opens Monday, Dec. 1, and must be completed by Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015. A guide and additional information are available at the Kresge Arts in Detroit website.
Funded by The Kresge Foundation and administered by the College for Creative Studies, the unrestricted $25,000 fellowships include professional development opportunities for the selected fellows provided by Creative Many Michigan (formerly known as ArtServe Michigan).
In 2015, the fellowships will provide support for nine literary artists and nine visual artists living and working in metropolitan Detroit (Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties), whose commitment to artistic achievement in contemporary or traditional forms is evident in the quality of their work.
The program is open to emerging and established artists. Artists working in the following disciplines are eligible to apply:
Literary arts: Arts criticism in all categories including literary, performing and visual; creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, spoken word and interdisciplinary work. Interdisciplinary work may include experimental work, graphic novels and other hybrids.
Visual arts: Art and technology, book arts, ceramics, collage, drawing, fiber, glass, installation, metalwork, painting, photography, performance art, printmaking, sculpture, video art and interdisciplinary work including experimental work and other hybrids.
Kresge Arts in Detroit staff will hold two information sessions for interested artists at the Walter B. Ford II Building of the College for Creative Studies, in the Wendell W. Anderson Jr. Auditorium:
Developing a Strong Application: Nov. 18, 6-8 p.m.
Navigating the Online System: Dec. 13, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
To attend, an RSVP is requested.
The annual artist fellowships are part of Kresge Arts in Detroit, the foundation’s effort to provide broad support to the regional arts community. Other elements of that effort are the Kresge Eminent Artist Award and multiyear grants to arts and cultural organizations in greater Detroit. (See related story.)
Kresge Arts in Detroit is one facet of the foundation’s Detroit Program, which uses a comprehensive strategy to promote long-term economic opportunity in the foundation’s hometown. That strategy includes major efforts to revitalize neighborhoods and build a vibrant Woodward Corridor along with support for arts and culture, regional transit, early childhood education and work to enhance civic capacity.
The fellowships recognize creative vision and commitment to excellence within a wide range of artistic disciplines, including artists who have been classically and academically trained, self-taught artists and artists whose art forms have been passed down through cultural and traditional heritage.
The fellows are selected through an open, competitive process as judged by independent panels of local and national artists and arts professionals.
Since 2009, Kresge Arts in Detroit has awarded 108 fellowships and more than $3 million to metropolitan Detroit artists.
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