Drake Arts Center is an international artists residency situated in Kokkola’s old town, in the heart of Neristan. The residence periods vary from one week to six months.
Application deadline is twice a year, 30th of September and 31st of March. Write a letter in your own words and state the preferred time and length of residency, a plan for residency projects and productions during and after the stay. Also enclose your cv or description of your artistic work, recommendations, if any, and information of your partner organization, if any.
Decision on the accepted applicants is taken by the board of the residence. The accepted guest artist will receive a formal invitation.
The artist is granted a sum of 10 euros a day, and pays no rent for the residence.
Call: Residence for artists by Drake Arts Center in Kokkola, Finland
By: Drake Arts Center
Endowment: 10 euros/day, rent included
Deadlines: 31st of March and 30th of September 2013
More information: https://www.kokkola.fi/kulttuuri/taiteilijaresidenssi/en_GB/taiteilijaresidenssi/
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