
José Baselga, has been selected for The Gabarron International Award for Science and Research 2012

José Baselga, has been selected for The Gabarron International Award for Science and Research 2012. The members of the Jury have ruled the award in favor of the Spanish oncologist, after having reviewed the 21 candidates from Germany, Austria, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Russia. In previous editions, this award was […]

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“Genome” is the title of the new exhibition by Pedro Castrortega in the White Box, New York

“Genome” comes from the words GENe and chromosome. It is the DNA sequence within the 23 chromosome pairs of the cell nucleus. 22 of them are autosomes and one pair of them is allosome and determines the sex, two X chromosomes for women or one X and one Y chromosome for men. We are incredible […]

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“A sword and a rose

“A sword and a rose” the new exhibition by Carlos Garaicoa in the Institute of Contemporary Art, Bulgaria.

This show, whose title plays with the name of a very popular pop song by Bisel Kirov in Cuba during the ‘80s called “Un Machete y una Rosa”, constitutes the first personal exhibition of the artist in Bulgaria. In order to try to reflect on Cuba and Bulgaria’s common political past, the works exhibited appropriate […]

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art seeks a specialist in Architecture & Design for the Modern & Contemporary Department

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the world’s finest museums, seeks a specialist in Architecture & Design for the Modern & Contemporary Department. The Associate Curator will participate in research, development and active management of the Modern and Contemporary collection and the Breuer project; initiation of collection displays, major special exhibitions, publications and interpretation; […]

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Seminar in London: «How to sell your work in Europe»

The english organization X.TRAX in partnership with PANeK and the Royal Exchange Theatre (Manchester) present a new seminar related to street art named «How to sell your work in Europe».   Photograpy courtesy by Catalan arts The seminars were designed to support and encourage UK street artists to break in to the European market. Led by […]

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Aplications open to perform at BE Festival in Birmingham

BE Festival is ready to get started again and artist all across Europe can participate on it. Since it began in 2009 this festival tries to investigate and promote the scenic arts all over Europe getting in contact with european festivals and events. The ethos of the festival is to cross borders, so we will […]

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Open call for entries to Switch Contemporary Video Art in Ireland

The Switch Contemporary Video Art is an independent visual artist-run and led body that organizes an event of the same name in rural Ireland.  This 5th annual installment showcases contemporary works of moving image in a public context and is now issuing a call for entries to switch 2013.   Photograph courtesy by switch.org This […]

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Ana Marcos selected for the Gabriel García Márquez fellowship in cultural journalism

The Ministry of Culture of Colombia and the Gabriel García Márquez New Journalism Foundation – FNPI- announce that for the first edition of the Gabriel García Márquez fellowship in cultural journalism received 465 applications from 70 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Central America, North America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Photo courtesy FNPI   This […]

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Concha Jerez and José Iges from Madrid presents «Expanded Radio» at the Museum Weserburg

Concha Jerez and José Iges from Madrid have been working together since 1989 and have become firmly established as pioneers of electronic and intermedial art. Their works combine sound art and radio art. The multimedia installation “ARGOT”, filling an entire room, originated in a radio performance broadcast on ORF Kunstradio and was first shown in […]

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«Behind the Portrait «is a show that alludes to what lies beyond a portrait, but also to what precedes and surrounds it

Portraiture, like landscape, was much more than a traditional genre, a type of painting that was codified and fixed, once and for all. This explains why it didn’t disappear following the success of the avant-garde isms; why in the twenty-first century it is still around, transfigured and still renewing itself many years after the emergence […]

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«World Cinema Fund» open call for works to develop and support cinema in regions with a weak film infrastructure

Together with the Federal Foundation for Culture and in cooperation with the Goethe Institut, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Deutsche Welle / DW Academy, the Foreign Ministry and German producers, the World Cinema Fund works to develop and support cinema in regions with a weak film infrastructure, while fostering cultural diversity in […]

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Casting THE PERILS OF OBEDIENCE: A Performance by Itziar Barrio

The Abrons Arts Center is proud to present Casting THE PERILS OF OBEDIENCE: A Performance, the second stage of visual artist Itziar Barrio’s exploration in power dynamics and constructed situations. Using the methods of casting, the performance will unfold the wills and desires of the actors to succeed and be recognized. By placing them within […]

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The Gabarron Foundation is pleased to announce an international sculpture competition. Award prizes range from 3,000 to 24,000 euros

The Gabarron Foundation, together with Fundación Murcia Futuro (FMF), and K/R Architects from New York, is pleased to announce an international sculpture competition taking place in the Spanish city of Murcia on the grounds of the future Parque de Levante—the first major sculpture park to open in Spain in the twenty-first century. All international artists, […]

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Director- Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) Queensland, Australia

The Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) is the premier visual arts institution in Queensland and has established a position as a national leader in the presentation of contemporary and historical art. Based in Brisbane’s vibrant cultural precinct, QAGOMA plays a vital role in Queensland’s cultural community and welcomes more than 1.5 […]

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ARTErra is a rural art residency structure that support and encourage artistic creation and production

The ARTErra is a rural art residency structure that support and encourage artistic creation and production. Housed in a remarkably small rural village, you will find in ARTErra physical spaces and tools for the reception of the project / proposal of the artist or collective of different artistic disciplines. In addition to a house with […]

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Cinesonika open call

This third annual festival will showcase international works of film and video with fascinating soundtracks, idiosyncratic sound design, eclectic scoring and innovative approaches to the sound-image relationship. We are open to works in any format, including narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, and uncategorizable styles, with no minimum or maximum run time. We are also open to […]

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Andrés Monteagudo presents «Spatial Geometry» at the IDEOBOX Artspace, Miami

Andrés Monteagudo presents «Spatial Geometry» at the IDEOBOX Artspace. Andrés is one of the founders of the » Quantum Esthetics» movement, which implies a connection between physics and psychology in art and literature. For him, art is a tool used to search within oneself in an effort to understand human complexity. Photo Courtesy Ideobox Artspace […]

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Linarejos Moreno presents a series of pieces which she has come to call “Tejiendo los Restos del Naufragio” at the De Santos Gallery, Texas

In this exhibition, Linarejos Moreno presents a series of pieces which she has come to call “Tejiendo los Restos del Naufragio” (Weaving the Remains of the Shipwreck). In these pieces, a series of large format prints on burlap and memory-laden objects come together to become sculptural objects that speak of absence. © Linarejos Moreno The […]

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Cda-Projects Grant for Artistic Research and Production 2012

The grant aims at supporting and opening up discussions on artistic research to an expanded network through an open call. It encourages speculative approaches to how discourse is staged and how knowledge is produced, rethought and interwoven across disciplines. Without any limitations on the content, the proposed inquiries are expected to suggest new forms and […]

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Carlos Garaicoa his first solo exhibition

Le Moulin hosts for the first time a solo show by Carlos Garaicoa «L’ Optimiste» , France

Le Moulin hosts for the first time a solo show by Carlos Garaicoa «L’ Optimiste» that will include works of the artist’s most recent production. The exhibition will gather together works that use photography, drawing, ceramics and installations.                                   […]

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