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octubre 2014

Bienal de Montréal

22 octubre, 2014 - 4 enero, 2015
Centre International d’Art Contemporain de Montréal (CIAC),
460 St. Catherine St. W, Suite 304
Montréal , montreal QC H3B 1A7 Canadá
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EVENTO: Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo TEMA: L’avenir (looking forward) CURADOR: Lesley Johnstone y Mark Lanctot L’avenir (looking forward) examines recent developments in contemporary art in relationship to speculation, futurity and the history of future projection, and the currency of projecting into the future. The idea of “what is to come” provides a framework for considering our current condition from geopolitical, environmental, technological, scientific, social, cultural, ideological, economic, ethical and metaphysical perspectives. Accordingly, BNLMTL 2014 will present film, sculpture, photography, painting…

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Prospect New Orleans

25 octubre, 2014 - 25 enero, 2015
Lugar sin nombre,
935 Gravier St #850
New Orleans, Luisiana 70112 Estados Unidos
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EVENTO: Muestra de Arte Contemporáneo DIRECTOR ARTÍSITCO: Franklin Sirmans EQUIPO: Franklin Sirmans, Rita Gonzalez, Christine Y. Kim TEMA: Prospect.3: Notes for Now Franklin Sirmans, the Terri and Michael Smooke Department Head and Curator of Contemporary Art at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), is serving as the Artistic Director for “Prospect.3: Notes for Now.” The three-month exhibition will showcase the work of more than 50 leading and emerging contemporary artists from around the globe. Founded on the principle that…

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enero 2015

Bienal de Lyon

1 enero, 2015
Lugar sin nombre,
3 rue du Président Edouard Herriot
lyon, Lyon 69001 Francia
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Comisario Ralph Rugoff EVENTO: Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo TEMA: Modern CURADOR: Ralph Rugoff EQUIPO: Thierry Raspail Director Artisitco   Thierry Raspail, Directeur artistique de la Biennale de Lyon ouvre une nouvelle trilogie 2015-2019. Autour du mot moderne . Presque une histoire Après avoir assuré le co-commissariat des trois premières Biennales de 1991/95, je propose depuis, aux commissaires que j’invite, de réfléchir à un mot qui synthétise pour moi l’actualité artistique du moment. Ce mot vaut pour trois éditions et compose…

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marzo 2015

Sharjah Biennial 12

5 marzo, 2015 - 5 junio, 2015
Sharjah Art Museum,
PO Box 39939, Sharjah
Sharjah, Sharjah Emiratos Arabes Unidos
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EVENTO: Muestra de Arte Contemporáneo CURADOR: Eungie Joo Sharjah Art Foundation announces the appointment of Eungie Joo as Curator of Sharjah Biennial 12 (SB12), opening in March 2015. Joo was Director of Art and Cultural Programs at Instituto Inhotim in Brumadinho, Brasil, and previously served as Director and Curator of Education and Public Programs at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Sharjah Art Foundation brings a broad range of contemporary art and cultural programmes to the communities…

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abril 2015

Bienal de Arquitectura Latinoamericana BAL2015

15 abril, 2015 - 17 abril, 2015
Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Navarra,
Campus Universitario s/n31080
pamplona, Navarra España
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EVENTO: Muestra de Arquitectura La BAL Bienal de Arquitectura Latinoamericana es un evento de carácter bienal que pretende ser un cauce para presentar en España los ejemplos más recientes y destacados del ejercicio profesional de arquitectos jóvenes al otro lado del océano, generando un foro en el que se estrechen lazos, se acorten distancias y establezca un firme y sólido contrapunto al universo anglosajón. Esta iniciativa se puso en marcha en 2009, repitiéndose en 2011 y preparándose para su tercera…

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mayo 2015

Bienal de la Habana

22 mayo, 2015 - 22 junio, 2015
Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam,
San Ignacio 22, esquina a Empedrado Plaza de la Catedral
la Habana, Cuba Cuba
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EVENTO: Muestra de Arte Contemporáneo CURADOR: Jorge Fernandez Torres EQUIPO: Nelson Herrera Ysla, Jose Manuel Noceda Fernandez, Margarita Sanchez Prieto, Ibis Hernandez Abascal, Dannys Montes de Oca Moreda, y Jose Fernandez Portal En breve más información

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agosto 2015

LIAF festival for contemporary art

28 agosto, 2015 @ 8:00 - 17:00
North Norwegian Art Center,
Boks 285
N-8301, Svolvær Noruega
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EVENTO: Festival de Arte Contemporáneo CURADOR: Matt Packer y Arne Skaug Olsen LIAF is a festival for contemporary art taking place in Lofoten a cluster of islands located on the North West Coast of Norway, just above the Arctic Circle, every second year. The festival was first initiated in 1991, as a local art exhibition with a broad range of expressions and with a regional profile. From 1999, the festival was given an international profile changing the name to Lofoten…

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septiembre 2015

ARSENALE 2014 Second Kiev International Biennale of Contemporary Art

1 septiembre, 2015
Mystetskyi Arsenal,
12 Lavrska street
Kiev, Ucrania
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Imagen cortesía de Mystetskyi Arsenal CURADORES: Georg Schöllhammer y Hedwig Saxenhuber TEMA: Second Kiev International Biennale of Contemporary Art EQUIPO: Georg Schöllhammer, Hedwig Saxenhuber, Nataliia Zabolotna   Just in November 2013 the curatorial team of the next Kyiv Biennale had been announced: Austrian curators Georg Schöllhammer and Hedwig Saxenhuber will be responsible for the exhibition that will take place in 2015 in the Mystetskyi Arsenal National Cultural-Art and Museum Complex. The complex is one of Ukraine’s most promising projects in…

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XV Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires BA15

5 septiembre, 2015 - 27 septiembre, 2015
Centro Cultural Recoleta,
Junín 1920
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Carlos Sallaberry EVENTO: Muestra de Arquitectura COMITÉ DE DIRECCIÓN: Roberto Converti, Enrique Cordeyro, Carlos L. Dibar, Juan Carlos Fervenza, Matías Glusberg, Miguel Jurado, Daniel Miñiz, Enrique Alfonso Pichon-Riviere y Carlos Sallaberry La próxima XV Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires BA15 ya tiene fecha, del 5 al 27 de septiembre del proximo año. Los organizadores están trabajando para redoblar la apuesta de la exitosa Bienal que se realizó en 2013, con récord de visitantes, ya que durante 30 días…

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junio 2017

documenta 14

10 junio, 2017 - 17 septiembre, 2017
Friedrichsplatz 18
Kassel, 34117 Alemania
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© 2014 Tadeusz Rolke EVENTO: Muestra de Arte Contemporáneo CURADOR: Adam Szymczyk EQUIPO: Suzanne Cotter, Chris Dercon, Susanne Gaensheimer, Koyo Kouoh, Matthias Mühling, Joanna Mytkowska, Osvaldo Sánchez   Adam Szymczyk has been elected as the Artistic Director of documenta 14, which is scheduled to take place from June 10th, to September 17th, 2017, in Kassel. Bernd Leifeld, CEO of documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs-GmbH announced today (22.11.2013) that in an unanimous decision the supervisory board of documenta followed the proposal…

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