Noticias etiquetadas con
60 Threadneedle Street Art Space

Adrián Navarro presents «In and Out» at 60 Threadneedle Streeat Art Space in London

60 Threadneedle Street Art Space is pleased to present ‘In and Out’, a new exhibition of work by London based artist Adrián Navarro.“In and Out” continues Navarro’s pictorial investigation delving into the system of perception of dynamic space, embodying movement, locomotion and the passage of time. ©  Adrián Navarro The show belongs to a wider […]

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Adrián Navarro presenta “In and Out” en el 60 Threadneedle Street Art Space de Londres

La galería 60 Threadneedle Street Art Space de Londres inauguró ayer,  comisariada por Vanessa Brady, la exposición “In and Out”, del artista español Adrián Navarro. «In and Out» continúa profundizando la investigación pictórica de Navarro en el sistema de percepción del espacio dinámico, incorporando el movimiento y el paso del tiempo. ©  Adrián Navarro La […]

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