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Un año más, el cine español se abre hueco en el Festival de Cannes

El Festival de Cannes ha acogido un año más el Marché Du Film (MIF), que de nuevo se ha convertido en el punto de encuentro de la industria cinematográfica internacional durante los 8 intensos días de reuniones que dura este mercado. Imagen cortesía de Relatos Salvajes El ICAA quiere mostrar su satisfacción por la amplia […]

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30 aniversario ‘Reflets du Cinéma Ibérique et Latino-américain’ en Villeurbanne (Francia)

El objetivo de la Asociación por el cine es la defensa y promoción de todas las actividades cinematográficas en Villeurbanne; hacer vivir el cine y extender la difusión a todos los públicos (niños, jóvenes, jubilados, colectividades, personas con discapacidad visual o auditiva). La trigésima edición de Reflets du Cinéma Ibérique et Latino-américain tendrá lugar del […]

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Call for Applications FESTIVAL MANIFESTO The Image fes­ti­val of Toulouse

Manifesto, the fes­ti­val laun­ches its calls for appli­ca­tions for its next edi­tion which will take place from September 07 to September 28, 2013. Founded in 2002 by a group of pho­to­gra­phers from Toulouse, after 10 years of exis­tence the fes­ti­val ManifestO has esta­bli­shed itself as a major event pho­to­gra­phy in France. Imagen cortesía de Camille […]

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Glenda León presents «Blue noise» at the Château des Adhémar – Centre d’art Contemporain, France

«The noise is blue, as in the ‘acoustic’ drawing showing a ball of cut-out and crinkled paper. Here it’s in the form of a “music square”, becoming a “music box”: made up of old CDs, cut out and arranged in a rectangular object, resembling a little digital camera with its retractable lens.It’s quite obvious that […]

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Carlos Garaicoa his first solo exhibition

Le Moulin hosts for the first time a solo show by Carlos Garaicoa «L’ Optimiste» , France

Le Moulin hosts for the first time a solo show by Carlos Garaicoa «L’ Optimiste» that will include works of the artist’s most recent production. The exhibition will gather together works that use photography, drawing, ceramics and installations.                                   […]

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Jaume Plensa presents «Silhouettes» new figures in stainless steel placed on large stones at the galerie Lelong

2011 was a vintage year for Jaume Plensa, with the permanent installation of a monumental sculpture, Alchemist, on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. There was also the raising of Echo, a huge 14 metre high sculpture of a girl’s head, which spent the spring and summer in Madison Square Park, in central Manhattan. Lastly, […]

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Call for the «25th Instants Vidéo» is an event dedicated to electronic and media arts

The 25th Instants Vidéo is an event dedicated to electronic and media arts. Every year we present international programs of video art and experimental documentaries, video installations, artists’ CD-ROM, performances… We invite contemporary poets… We organise conferences and public debates… You will find below an entry form for you to fill. We will watch the […]

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«J’ai besoin du visiteur», European Workshop on Education

While preparing for the construction of their new location in the harbour of Dunkirk, the FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais has made a commitment to create a direct relationship with their public. To do this they are exploring new and innovative methods to establish a dialogue with visitors. © FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais With these objectives in […]

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«Formes brèves, autres, 25» at the FRAC Lorraine France.

Digital book, electronic book, or e-book, are all terms designating the new forms given to the book, paperback, printed matter, or the manuscript. The creation and distribution of new reading tools undermine traditional modes of writing and reading which are facing a great challenge today. © Ewa Partum To enter a three-dimensional book : this […]

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