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The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International and the Migros Culture Percentage are looking for artistic projects

The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International and the Migros Culture Percentage are looking for artistic projects that are dealing with FUTURE NOSTALGIA. In the last century, modernization processes accelerated to a high degree and along with globalization caused great change all over the world. Nostalgia, the longing for a lost time and space, has become a […]

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El Festival Belluard Bollwerk International y el Migros Culture Percentage seleccionan proyectos artísticos para la exposición «Future Nostalgia»

El Festival Belluard Bollwerk International y el Migros Culture Percentage buscan proyectos que traten de proponer o provocar nuevas aproximaciones artísticas al tema de la nostalgia en el proyecto expositivo «Future Nostalgia». Se seleccionarán aproximaciones en forma de intervenciones experimentales, performances, instalaciones o acciones.   La convocatoria está abierta a artistas y profesionales de todos […]

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