Noticias etiquetadas con

Convocatoria para proyectos artísticos del IFA

Con el programa Artist Contact, el IFA alemán promueve la cooperación internacional de las personas alemanas y extranjeras que trabajen en el sector cultural. Fotografía cortesia de IFA El Programa de Artist Contact lanza estancias de trabajo para artistas, curadores, educadores de arte, teóricos de arte, arquitectos y diseñadores de países en desarrollo y emergentes […]

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Artists’ Contact Programme the ifa promotes the international cooperation of German and foreign persons engaged in the cultural sector

With its Artists’ Contact Programme the ifa promotes the international cooperation of German and foreign persons engaged in the cultural sector. Working stays as well as working tours of contemporary artists, curators, art educators, art theoreticians, architects and designers from developing and emerging countries to Germany are supported if the realisation is in the interest […]

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