Noticias etiquetadas con
Metropolitan Arts Press

The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design have organized The International Architecture Awards

The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, together with The European Center for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and Metropolitan Arts Press, Ltd. have organized The International Architecture Awards as away in which to honor the best, new significant buildings and landscape and planning projects designed and/or built around the world by the […]

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Abierta la convocatoria de los Premios Internacionales de Arquitectura 2013 del Chicago Athenaeum (Estados Unidos)

The Chicago Athenaeum – Museum of Architecture and Design junto con el The European Center for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and Metropolitan Arts Press, Ltd han organizado los Premios Internacionales de Arquitectura 2013, en honor a los mejores y nuevos edificios significativos, paisaje y proyectos de planificación diseñados y / o construidos en […]

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