Noticias etiquetadas con
National Gallery of Iceland

Libia Castro y Ólafur Ólafsson exhiben «Under Deconstrucion» en la National Gallery de Islandia

Desde finales de 1990 Libia Castro y Ólafur Ólafsson han estado desarrollando su enfoque deconstructivo de arte con diversos medios, como instalaciones, intervenciones públicas, audio y videoworks. En cada nivel se colabora con diferentes personas y grupos, cruzando las disciplinas sin dudarlo, con el fin de maximizar el efecto dispar de su esquema. © Libia […]

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Libia & Ólafur presents “Under Deconstruction” in the National Gallery of Iceland

Since the late 1990s Libia & Ólafur have been developing their deconstructive approach to art with various means such as installations, public interventions  and audio and videoworks. At each level they collaborate with different individuals and groups, crossing disciplines without hesitation in order to maximize the disparate effect of their scheme. © Libia & Ólafur […]

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